Explore around Target USA CUP
Target USA CUP Partners
Check out all of the Target USA CUP partners and explore where they are on campus during Target USA CUP as well as activities you can enjoy. Our Partners are what helps make Target USA CUP so special, and with close to 50,000 people on campus during the tournament, we are glad to have them around to help make Target USA CUP .
Opening Ceremonies
Target USA CUP is the best Youth Soccer Experience in the world and The Opening Ceremonies are one of the many highlights of this tournament! Teams from all over the world walk into NSC Stadium in front of thousands of fans and showcase their team colors, cultures and enjoy live music and fireworks to celebrate playing at Target USA CUP!
Explore Twin Cities
Check out what Minnesota has to offer for team activities! Target USA CUP is located 15 minutes North of our Twin Cities Minneapolis and Saint Paul. From Mall of America and many restaurants to water parks and museums, coming to Target USA CUP and Minnesota has a lot to offer teams from all over the world!
Lodging Near USA CUP
Target USA CUP is one of the largest youth soccer tournaments in the world! We are a stay to play tournament and will help you find the best lodging in the area as we have partnered with 100’s of hotels, dorms and private lodging. We cannot wait to see you at the tournament and we know that lodging can make or break your experience!
USA CUP Neighbors
Target USA CUP is located on over 800 acres in Blaine, Minnesota. If you are looking for close activities to do between or after games, check out what is in our neighborhood! there are 100’s of restaurants and activities to do around our campus after and between games! Our Target USA CUP neighbors are here to help you have the best time while you’re in town!